This blog started as a result of conversations between two friends, Daniel Murage and Wangari Murage (Kare). Kare mentioned that she was very interested in mental health and wanted to really talk about the stigma in society around the topic. This conversation escalated quickly after finding that we had a mutual interest in mental health, as well as experiences that had drawn us to the topic. It is from this conversation that the idea of a blog where people could share their stories came along. Few days later, we more people have joined us; we are growing and aim to use this platform to discuss all issues related to mental health.
Why a blog? A blog allows for the sharing of stories and can reach a huge audience. On this platform, we hope to engage with different people who are affected by mental health, hear their stories and spread knowledge in that way. Further, we aim to offer educational materials through the site and enable people to learn about mental illness.
This is just but a first step in erasing the stigma, and it's worthwhile. We aim to help our readers understand what it means to have depression, to have anxiety or any sort of mental illness. Through these stories, we hope to spread empathy and understanding.
We are excited to break down the silence. We are excited to erase the stigma. We are excited to share our stories. We are excited for you to join us.