Contact Us

Have a story? We'd love to hear it

Want to share a story with us? Fill out the form at the bottom of this page to send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

How it works

If you have a story that you'd like to share, we welcome you to contribute to Project AKILI. We want to work with survivors, families, friends and anyone who is eager to contribute to the conversation on mental health, have new ideas on coping mechanisms to share, and want to engender discussion within the larger community. Whatever story you have, we will work with you to tell it and get it on our blog. (You also get to have your profile featured in the authors section!)

There are many kinds of stories that are of interest to our community of readers. For example, you could:

  • Write a column about some particular aspect of social perceptions about mental illness
  • Write a feature about any topic relating to any of the mental illnesses
  • Interview a member of society who is doing amazing work in addressing mental health

Please join us in erasing the stigma around mental illness. You can contact us using the form below, or send us a message on our facebook, twitter or instagram accounts (links included in the icons below.)